Purchasing school shoes is a major part of yearly expenses, especially when purchasing for more than one growing child. Finding comfortable and good-value shoes can be stressful! We asked our podiatrist Lucy Willoughby for her top tips for parents.
Long summer days, backyard cricket and outdoor celebrations. Australians love this time of year, calling it the ‘silly season’ for good reason! The nature of the season leads our Physiotherapists to seeing a few extra patients for musculoskeletal injuries. Maybe you take a tumble on your kids scooter, mis-judge stairs after a couple […]
Health Speaks podcast with Penny Terry interviewing Stew Williamson
Rotator Cuff Tears Rotator cuff tears are something that our Physiotherapists commonly treat at Leap Health. This blog post aims to give you an overview of this condition and answers to questions we are often asked. What is the rotator cuff? A group of four muscles that originate from the scapula and attach into the […]