Now that Joe Brooks (Podiatrist) has settled in for a few months, it’s time to get to know what makes him tick! 1. What’s the thing you love most about being a Podiatrist? I love helping people. I think I really enjoy talking to people, getting to know them, their goals and how I can […]
Enthusiastic young physiotherapist Alistair Wood has joined the Salamanca clinic team in 2020. So we decided to learn a bit more about him! You’ll see Alistair featuring in some of our Exercise Library videos. What’s the thing you love most about being a Physiotherapist? Working with people to regain their confidence and independence with movement. […]
Purchasing school shoes is a major part of yearly expenses, especially when purchasing for more than one growing child. Finding comfortable and good-value shoes can be stressful! We asked our podiatrist Lucy Willoughby for her top tips for parents.
Long summer days, backyard cricket and outdoor celebrations. Australians love this time of year, calling it the ‘silly season’ for good reason! The nature of the season leads our Physiotherapists to seeing a few extra patients for musculoskeletal injuries. Maybe you take a tumble on your kids scooter, mis-judge stairs after a couple […]
There are a few ways in which you can make the most of an appointment with your healthcare provider. This can make the process easier for everyone, and potentially help you feel better sooner! 1.Where possible, arrive on time Especially if it is your first appointment, there is usually some paperwork that may take […]
This blog post covers the basics of osteoarthritis, its management and how Leap Health can help you.
Foot Health Week 2018 15 – 21 October Pods get you… moving, pain free, and living a fuller life! Given that your feet house a quarter of all the bones in your body, a podiatrist is best placed to get you moving, active or pain-free. Foot Health Week is promoted by the Australian Podiatry Association, […]
Women’s Health Did you know, we offer Women’s Health physiotherapy services in New Town? Caring for your pelvic floor Do you: accidentally leak urine when you exercise, play sport, laugh, cough or sneeze? rush to the toilet but not make it there in time? constantly need to go to the toilet? have difficulty emptying your […]
Rotator Cuff Tears Rotator cuff tears are something that our Physiotherapists commonly treat at Leap Health. This blog post aims to give you an overview of this condition and answers to questions we are often asked. What is the rotator cuff? A group of four muscles that originate from the scapula and attach into the […]
Nutrition Education for Diabetes Do you have Type 2 Diabetes or know somebody that does? With the correct tools and knowledge, this chronic disease can be managed within your current lifestyle. As part of your healthcare team, our dietitian can help you with tailoring your management. Type 2 Diabetes is a progressive condition in which the […]