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Tag Name: podiatry

Shoe selection for little feet

When it comes to kids’ feet and shoes it’s important to remember to think about stage not age! Podiatrist, Joe Brooks, teamed up with the guys at Tiny Footprints in Hobart to create a quick look guide at choosing the right footwear to compliment the stages in your child’s development. The below is a reference […]

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Five minutes with Joe Brooks

Now that Joe Brooks (Podiatrist) has settled in for a few months, it’s time to get to know what makes him tick! 1. What’s the thing you love most about being a Podiatrist? I love helping people. I think I really enjoy talking to people, getting to know them, their goals and how I can […]

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Advice for a safe & injury free Christmas

    Long summer days, backyard cricket and outdoor celebrations. Australians love this time of year, calling it the ‘silly season’ for good reason! The nature of the season leads our Physiotherapists to seeing a few extra patients for musculoskeletal injuries. Maybe you take a tumble on your kids scooter, mis-judge stairs after a couple […]

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Foot Health Week

Foot Health Week 2018 15 – 21 October Pods get you… moving, pain free, and living a fuller life! Given that your feet house a quarter of all the bones in your body, a podiatrist is best placed to get you moving, active or pain-free. Foot Health Week is promoted by the Australian Podiatry Association, […]

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Unexpected reasons you need to visit a Podiatrist

Leap Health are proud to offer a Hobart Podiatrist service at the Leap Health Huonville practice. Leap offer podiatry services dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, treatment and management of injuries and conditions of the foot, ankle and lower limb. Our Hobart Podiatrists specialise in caring for clients of any age that are suffering problems such […]

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Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar heel pain, Plantar fasciopathy

Our feet are often the most used and abused part of our bodies. On average our feet absorb up to 4 times our body weight during everyday walking and 10 times during high impact activities such as running and most sports. This is a lot of force, often its too much, and our feet might […]

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